Freitag, 30. August 2019
kommt nicht daher, immer richtig zu liegen, sondern daher, keine Angst
zu haben auch mal daneben zu liegen. Wenn es einen Glauben gibt, der
Berge versetzen kann, so ist es der Glaube an die eigene Kraft.
Donnerstag, 29. August 2019
Die großen Augenblicke
Die großen Augenblicke sind die, in denen wir getan haben, was wir uns nie zugetraut hätten.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Dienstag, 27. August 2019
Der Unterschied
Der Unterschied zwischen gewinnen und Verlieren ist meist, nicht aufzuhören.
Walt Disney
Montag, 26. August 2019
Das größte Risiko ist, keine Risiken einzugehen. In einer Welt, die sich sehr schnell verändert, ist die einzige Strategie, die das Scheitern garantiert, keine Risiken einzugehen.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mittwoch, 21. August 2019
Focus - Consistency
"......One of the greatest lessons I've learned from weightlifting is that there are 3 simple things that you need for success.
Focus. He writes on a computer without the internet, without social media, without apps or distractions or graphics. But his computer can do one very important thing: type words. And typing words is his craft. That's what he needs to create. He is 100 percent focused on doing the work that matters and he has completely eliminated anything that impedes that goal.
Consistency. Martin was a working writer for twenty years before he sat down to write A Game of Thrones. He worked on shows that were canceled and found himself without a job. He wrote early books that flopped commercially. And I'm willing to bet that if A Song of Ice and Fire was a total dud, then he would have found another way to keep writing. He's not just focused on writing when it's easy. He's focused on writing, plain and simple.
Patience. I'm sure Martin wanted to achieve glorious success and commercial fame just as quickly as we all do. I'm sure he would have liked his first book to sell 25 million copies. I'm sure he didn't want to put in 20 years of work to find commercial success. The difference is that he didn't let the urge for overnight success derail his commitment to daily work. The greatest display of patience is a continued commitment to the process when you're not being rewarded for it yet. ...."
Quelle: James Clear:
- Focus: You can't be good at everything and it's hard to be great at more than one thing, so pick the one thing you're going to become great at and focus on it.
- Consistency: Focus is useless if you're only focused every now and then. It's showing up time after time that makes the difference.
- Patience: If you're focused and consistent, then let time work for you. Results will come when they come. Focus on the system, not the goal.
Focus. He writes on a computer without the internet, without social media, without apps or distractions or graphics. But his computer can do one very important thing: type words. And typing words is his craft. That's what he needs to create. He is 100 percent focused on doing the work that matters and he has completely eliminated anything that impedes that goal.
Consistency. Martin was a working writer for twenty years before he sat down to write A Game of Thrones. He worked on shows that were canceled and found himself without a job. He wrote early books that flopped commercially. And I'm willing to bet that if A Song of Ice and Fire was a total dud, then he would have found another way to keep writing. He's not just focused on writing when it's easy. He's focused on writing, plain and simple.
Patience. I'm sure Martin wanted to achieve glorious success and commercial fame just as quickly as we all do. I'm sure he would have liked his first book to sell 25 million copies. I'm sure he didn't want to put in 20 years of work to find commercial success. The difference is that he didn't let the urge for overnight success derail his commitment to daily work. The greatest display of patience is a continued commitment to the process when you're not being rewarded for it yet. ...."
Quelle: James Clear:
Dienstag, 20. August 2019
Mental drag
"....If you open your email in the morning and see three messages that you need to respond to later on, there goes three percent of your computer memory.
If you have to remember to take your child to practice after school or pick up the dry cleaning or go to the grocery store, there goes a little bit more memory. The more tasks that are left unfinished, the more memory gets used up remembering, thinking, worrying, and planning for those tasks.
Here’s the punchline: If your brain is constantly filled with all of
these secondary tasks, how much memory do you have left over to do
meaningful, creative work? 70 percent? 50 percent? Even less?
Trying to do your best work with a distracted brain is like trying to
swim for a gold medal without a swim cap. Divided attention is like a
thick head of hair creating a constant drag in your mental waters....."
James Clear /
Montag, 19. August 2019
Freitag, 16. August 2019
Alles ist relativ
Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen z. B. der Relativitätstheorie.
(Albert Einstein)
Mittwoch, 14. August 2019 müsse im Leben alles glatt gehen
mich vor dem naiven Glauben, es müsse im Leben alles glatt gehen.
Schenke mir die nüchterne Erkenntnis, dass Schwierigkeiten, Niederlagen,
Misserfolge, Rückschläge eine selbstverständliche Zugabe zum Leben
sind, durch die wir wachsen und reifen.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Dienstag, 13. August 2019
Ruhm liegt nicht darin, niemals zu fallen, sondern jedes Mal wieder aufzustehen, wenn wir gescheitert sind.
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